
How MUFG Bank improved click-through rate by 579% with LinkedIn ad optimization



Nearly 50% of MUFG Bank’s annual media budget was spent on contracts with an account-based marketing demand-side platform. To improve effectiveness and efficiency, MUFG needed to move on from traditional methods. Barefoot challenged MUFG to include social platform LinkedIn to target key prospects while they’re in a business mindset. This resulted in a 579% increase in click-through rate at a 38% lower cost-per-click. The new approach also outperformed past LinkedIn campaigns with a 28% higher click-through rate. By reassessing the tools we have, we can deliver more meaningful moments — and push the industry to think outside the box. 



The opportunity


MUFG Bank caters to large companies with revenues exceeding $1 billion. To reach key prospects, MUFG worked with an account-based marketing demand-side platform. However, these traditional display contracts cost nearly 50% of MUFG’s annual media budget. And with a pending contract renewal, MUFG was looking for a more efficient, more personalized way to reach potential customers. 



The solution 


Barefoot shifted MUFG’s focus away from general account-based marketing to LinkedIn. While MUFG had used LinkedIn ads in the past, Barefoot challenged MUFG to “think like a consumer” and rebuild their LinkedIn strategy. Rather than targeting by revenue or job title like previous efforts, Barefoot used a key prospects list. That way, MUFG could reach the right person at the right time — including decision-makers across their targeted organizations. Barefoot also took a more agile, hands-on approach by continually reviewing and optimizing budget toward best-performing audiences, companies, industries and geographic areas to increase click volume and click-through rate throughout the campaign. 



The results

Compared to the account-based marketing platform, Barefoot’s LinkedIn ads improved click-through rate by 579% — and reduced cost-per-click by 38%. This campaign also outperformed past LinkedIn campaigns with a 28% higher click-through rate. By staying agile and adapting to data insights, Barefoot saw constant month-over-month growth for click-through rate. 


The impact

Working Capital Solutions is a major offering for MUFG. Despite budgets being down, Barefoot’s new targeting approach with LinkedIn drove key prospects to engage with MUFG. Through reassessing tools and adapting to change, Barefoot is committed to challenging tradition to deliver the best business outcomes possible.